Monday, August 13, 2007

Six Mind Tools of a Media War!

Amidst the current Witch War which is ripping through our Pagan Communities like a rampaging bison I thought this would be a good article to present for your reflection.

"So what is a Media War? It is a conflict where words, images, and concepts are put before the public and the public is allowed to decide which thoughts will be allowed.....Getting your attention is the opening and most important volley of this competition."

"Now that your attention is gained, the antagonist presents information and asks you to make choices. Once you make these choices, you surrender a tiny bit of power to the antagonist. You take part in a collective action that benefits those to whom you give your attention and then they persuade you to take action on their behalf....... The list of actions can be endless but they represent you taking action on the antagonists behalf at some level. This is the prize of the Media War, all of us individually taking action in a collective manner for their benefit. They gain control over our lives at some level with out permission."

"In this case we are dealing with one group inciting action against another. The antagonist seeks out images, words and choices and uses them to encourage you to act against another........ The ultimate goal of the antagonist is manipulate you to believe you are not the enemy, but rather the good citizen."

"How do they accomplish this? What are the weapons they use? How do they get you to take action or give others permission to act in your name, on their behalf collectively? There are six mind tools used by propagandists, political consultants and govenrmental officials to incite the public. These are the tools of the Media War."

"Mind Tool One is Accusation of Atrocity. In it's most common form, it is the accusation of ritual murder, infanticide, rape, sexual depravity and so on. This can go deeper, with unfounded and untrue statements which are left to fester."

"Mind Tool Two is Hyperbolic Inflation of the Stakes. Consider this statement, "If Wiccan children are allowed to wear Pentagrams, soon all of our children will be wearing them." This is Hyperbolic Inflation of the Stakes."

"The first two mind tools create a powerful argument, no matter how true or false the accusations may be. Simply put, atrocity and hyperbolic inflation assures that even if you are not sure it is true, you don't dare defend it in case it is true and you certainly must speak out against it because if you don't (you may insert your own derogatory comment here)...."

"Mind Tool Three is Demonization and Dehumanization. In every conflict the enemy must not have a human face. Broad brushes are used to slander and deprive human feelings for the attacked, otherwise we would have to consider them as individuals, rather than the enemy. For Wiccans they used to tote out Satan Worship, but lately it the the premise that Wiccans are all nudists who will convert our children to nudity if we don't do something quickly!"

"Mind Tool Four is Polarization. Those who are not for us, are against us. Simple as this Mind Tool is, it is also the basis for all fights. This is grade school politics being fought at an adult level."

"Mind Tool Five is the Claim of Divine Sanction. This frames all arguments out of the human context and places it on God, Allah or some other authority in charge of action. This assures no mater how much one would feel the action is wrong, the person committing it is secure because God told them to do it."

"And finally the most powerful is Mind Tool Six, Meta-Propaganda. This discredits the other sides information not by challenging the veracity of a single story, but by repeating the holes and mistakes of the whole argument and discrediting everything coming from the enemy. The aim is to produce wholesale disbelief and close the doors to redress."

"Being aware of the tools that are used by those who would incite you to do violence and agree with their actions is the first step to ending the antagonists manipulation. It is your right and obligation to use your mind rather than just following blindly. Your decisions are important, please look beyond the surface and choose wisely where you want to place your allegiances."

This article was written by Ed Hubbard (Ed the Pagan) formerly of Witchschool and dated September 19, 2000. It is my understanding that this article is now part of a larger volume entitled, "Witch Wars Defense Manual, A Look at Religious Psychological Warfare Interpreted Through the Pagan Community". Unfortunately all I have is an unedited, rough draft so I can not provide you with the copyright or publication information. It is my understanding that the Witch Wars Defense Manual is now available in bound format and can be procured from Witchschool at

I'd like to thank Ed in advance for writing a book whose value has not yet been tested and I hope it never will be. I'd also like to thank Rev. Don and the other folks at Witchschool for publishing this book and bringing it to the Pagan Public. I also encourage you to seek out and purchase this book, as it chocked full of valuable infomation that can help you become a more informed Pagan and help prevent you from becoming "caught up" in situations similar to the one currently tearing our Pagan Communites apart.

Love and light,

Debra Ravenswood

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